What do you design?

We design climate adapted, water and biodiversity sensitive, circular economy focused landscapes at a range of scales. Our projects span from residential gardens that integrate habitat for native fauna, water sensitive design and urban food farming, to farm master planning with a focus on advising clients on regeneration of agricultural land, in collaboration and consultation with first nations peoples, and other consultants including hydrologists, ecologists, soil scientists, and land management professionals. Our design portfolio includes a range of residential and rural projects. You can view some of our projects here.


What is involved in the initial design consultation?

We use this time to get to know you, your family, how you would like to use the space and to discuss your goals, ideas, and the requirements specific to your garden. This will take between 45 minutes – 1.5 hours. We aim to give you an idea of the possibilities for your garden. These ideas become the basis for your concept design. The fee for on-site consultations is $450 incl. GST and will be rebated from the fee proposal if you decide to engage us. The design fee proposal outlines the staging and costs for producing your garden concept; this does not include any construction costs.


What services do you provide?

TSLC (The Sustainable Landscape Company) is a design and construct company – we offer a unique, fully integrated landscape service. Our vertical integration across landscape fields means we are your one-stop-shop for beautiful and sustainable landscape design, construction, plant supply and maintenance.

My property is located outside of the Melbourne metropolitan area, are you able to provide a design for me?

Yes – we have designed landscapes at a range of scales across Victoria. Within 40km of our Port Melbourne office the standard consultation fee applies, outside that radius an agreed fee will apply to cover travel costs. We would love to hear from you to discuss your options for a consultation.


Construction on my house has not commenced, when do I need to think about landscape design?

We often design landscapes for new builds that are still in the design phase. We recommend getting in touch with us as early as possible in the design process so that we can coordinate with your building designer or architect.


What does the design process involve?

Draft Schematic/Concept Design

Once you have signed off on the fee proposal, our qualified and AILA (Australian Institute of Landscape Architects) registered landscape architects will prepare plans and other design documents to suit the level of detail required for your project. The draft plans will include all hard and soft landscape elements, drawing on architectural plans, site surveys and any reference images you have supplied. At the completion of the draft plans, we will meet up with you to discuss the design to ensure that it reflects your vision.


At key points we seek your feedback on the design, and the design is refined to reflect that feedback, to produce the finalised set of plans and documents.

Draft Concept Design

At the completion of the draft concept, you can take some time to consider the proposed design and come back to us with any amendments or adjustments you may have.

Finalised Concept Design

We will incorporate changes to the design that you request to deliver the final design. The Finalised Concept Design will capture all elements of the proposed design including a plant palette and any detailed notes around materials, surfaces, and finishes.

Detailed Planting Design

Detailed Planting Design, is another review point where you can consider the proposed plant palette and come back to us with any adjustments or changes before we refine it into a finalised plant palette and detailed planting plan.

The finalised Planting Design documentation incorporates any adjustments or amendments that you requested. The package includes a detailed planting plan showing locations of all proposed plant species and a detailed planting schedule with quantities required.

Design Development for Construction

We will prepare any additional documentation required for the construction of your project by our skilled and experienced landscape construction team in this stage. We will use the Finalised Concept Design to cost the works and will provide an explanation of the extent of landscape works and a schedule of quantities and materials required for construction.

How much does the design and construction process cost?

All quotes are unique to each project, and your initial consultation will enable us to ascertain the scope of your design and provide a design fee proposal.

These design fees vary for a range of reasons including the level of detail required for the design elements and the time that is required for us to draw the plan.

The Construction costs are influenced by a range of variables including to the size of your property, the access and slope conditions of the site, choice of materials and most importantly your specific design requirements.


Do I need a full set of construction drawings?

As TSLC is a design and construct company, a finalised concept design that has been progressed to the design development phase is all that is needed for the construction team to bring the design to life. However, if your design has more complex or detailed elements, construction drawings may be required. These drawings are in addition to the proposed fees outlined in the fee proposal we provide you. Once the design is complete, we will provide an estimate of the time required to produce the detailed construction drawings, and this work will be charged at an hourly rate.